We have plenty of options for Schools, Charities and Groups for you to enjoy the wonderful vertical world of climbing. From action-packed fun sessions of our Crazy Climb to the more progressional sessions taught in our state-of-the-art bouldering centre.




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If you’re looking to get your group onto the main bouldering wall, we can provide a taster experience with our experienced coaches. Over the course of 1.5 hours, we’ll teach the participants some key climbing techniques and skills to help them enjoy the experience, and hopefully, spark a life-long enjoyment of climbing!

Ratio: 1:6 (1:4 for groups who require additional support)

Ages: 7-17 years old

Duration: 1.5 hour

Cost: £15 pp (peak) / £10pp (off-peak)



Bouldering is the perfect adventure activity to capture a group’s interest whilst also raising self-esteem, building confidence and developing problem-solving skills. At Flashpoint Cardiff, we offer a wide range of challenges in our bouldering walls to engage children of all ages and abilities. With the help of our fantastic coaching team children thrive as bouldering offers a stimulating alternative to conventional school sports as well as helping to fulfil National Curriculum requirements.

These sessions are for a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 28 participants. However, further options may be available on enquiry. Groups are run at a ratio of 1:6.


To discuss bookings and pricing packages please email:


or call us on 02922800925